Hemo-Stop® Tabs
Dual Effect Antihemorrhagic

Each tablet contains: Etamsylate 250 mg, Tranexamic acid 250 mg, Excipients q.s. 1 tablet.
Adjuvant in the treatment and control of hemorrhages. Control of hemostasis in traumatic, surgical, pathological processes and obstetric manipulations.
Oral route. In general, at a rate of 10 to 12.5 mg of etamsylate and 10 to 12.5 mg of tranexamic acid/kg of body weight (1/2 tablet per 10 to 12.5 kg) every 6-8 hours until the desired effect is achieved. Administer for 1 to 5 days or until bleeding is controlled.
Registro SAGARPA: Q-0616-071
Petmedica® is a division of Agrovet Market S.A.
This content is an informational reference and should not be considered as
recommendation of use.