Hemostop® K

Hemostop® K

Antihemorrhagic vasotropic factor with procoagulant

Canines Felines Injectable Solution

Each mL contains:

Menadione sodium bisulfite (Vitamin K3), 10mg, Carbazocromium sodium sulphonate, 5mg, Excipients, c.b.p.1mL

Prevention and treatment of bleeding in the pre, trans and post-operative by reducing the resistance of the capillaries.

In the tendency to hemorrhage (purple) due to the decrease of the capillary resistance and to the increase of the capital permeability as: ecchymosis, epistaxis, petechiae.

In hematomas, haemorrhages due to hypoprothrombinemia.

Dental extractions, surgical and traumatic haemorrhages.

In deficiencies of vitamin K3, causes of hemorrafias and in intoxications with vitamin K inhibitors, such as coumarina and its derivatives (indandiona, brodifacouma)

In the treatment of hematurias, melenas, hematemesis, hemoptisis, haemorrhagic metropathies, hemorrhagic post-partum and post-abortum, thrombopenic and vascular purpura, gingivorrhages. Specific in bovine hematuria and intoxication with sweet clover. Another indication at the discretion of the veterinarian.

Cattle (milk and meat production), goats, sheep and pigs: Non-acute hypoprothrombinemia: 1 mg / kg vitamin K3 and 0.5 mg / kg carbazole equivalent to 1 ml / 10 kg Hemostop K intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Treatment 3 times a day for 3 to 5 days or according to professional criteria. Acute hypoprothrombinemia with hemorrhage: 3 mg / kg vitamin K3 and 1.5 mg / kg carbazole equivalent to 3 ml / 10 kg Hemostop K intravenous or deep intramuscular. The frequency of treatment should be established according to professional criteria Acute hypoprothrombinemia with massive hemorrhage: 1mg / kg of vitamin K3 and 0.5mg / kg carbazochrome equivalent of 1ml / 10kg of Hemostop K subcutaneous or deep intramuscular route. If the intravenous route is used the product should be slowly diluted in physiological solution in a 1/10 ratio. The frequency of treatment should be established according to professional criteria. Dogs and cats: 2mg / kg of vitamin K3 and 1mg / kg of carbazochrome equivalent to 1ml / 5kg of Hemostop K, subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. Treatment 2 times a day, for 4 to 6 days, other doses can be used according to Professional judgment
Bottle x 20 mL , Bottle x 50 mL , Bottle x 100 mL ,

Registro SAGARPA: Registro Q-0616-049

Petmedica® is a division of Agrovet Market S.A.
This content is an informational reference and should not be considered as recommendation of use.

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